Why you are losing motivation and How to avoid that

Do you lose your gained confidence after reading/hearing any motivational blog/video content?

                                      Don't worry, we are all with you as most of us are suffering from this. One common example is the new year resolution we all take and how we struggle to maintain it. on 1 January since it's a new year most of our resolution will be losing weight, completely changing yourself, etc. But we miserably fail in the progress of it as we lose the motivational feeling we had during the initial stage.

What should you do to keep that motivational feeling for a long time?

                               Before that, get to know why we gain that confident feeling after reading/watching any motivational blog content. That's because of 


                                                     Whenever we feel demotivated our mind tends to look for people and things that comfort us by maintaining positivity and confidence. This is what many motivational songs/videos try to do, they settle our mind by removing the negative thought inside it. After listening to positive words our mind replicates that and starts to think like doing something new.

                                                     No matter, how much we get motivated we still lose it after a day or a week and again we come back doing our normal old kinds of stuff and get demotivated. This is a kind of loop πŸ”„ we are into and we struggle a lot getting away from it.

Now coming back to the question what can we do to keep that motivational feeling?

                                                      If you have noticed your feelings you should have observed that all your motivational beliefs came from your imagination i.e we feel like doing something extraordinary by imagining it even though we are not actually doing. To be fair that's good too, we all need imagination but when it exceeds or if you only imagine then that's the reason we struggle to maintain our motivational feelings. Because our heart is programmed to always get distracted and if something new happens again then it starts to imagine that by forgetting the existing one.
                                                      So, Is there any solution to avoid this Imagination?
                                                      YES, there comes our PHYSICAL STATE.


                                                       You might have experienced the unconscious (without your knowledge) moment of your body. For example, if you are sitting in a chair and doing some important work your leg automatically starts to shake without your knowledge. Because whenever we are focused on any task that is important or new to us, our mind always triggers our physical state to move as that will help in progressing the task without any interruptions. 

                                                        If you consider the above example and start to practice it, you have now fed up with the idea on how to not lose your motivation feelings. 


                                                      Stop dreaming about something that you can't do while you listen to a motivational song/video. Instead of that try to motivate yourself by doing some physical activity while you listen to the motivational song/video (Any activity that needs your whole body to move). 


                                         Not like thisπŸ‘†⛔ but something like thisπŸ‘‡✅πŸ’―


 How can the above idea help you to keep the motivation?

                                        Our body is different from mind and always tends to complete a task that was started unless the mind which easily gets distracted and leaves the task without finishing it.
                                        For example, you plan to go on a long drive and want to reach your destination within one day. During travel even though you planned it very well you are unsure that you can do it ( That's your mind - It easily get distracted or lose motivation)  but still, you can reach your destination by taking some rest during the journey ( You achieved this because you cared for your body by providing rest and in return, it doesn't say anything about giving up)

                                        And that's what I want you lads to do, stop dreaming about something and start to take care of your body by motivating it with exercise and other tasks it will return you the motivation to reach your goal.
                                         That's it and See you, lads, on our next blog content. Stay tuned about our new blog content by following us and we let you know when our content is posted.

                                                            MAKE SOMEONE FEEL SPECIAL TODAY



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