How to overcome your fear of meeting new people

Situation 1:
                         You want to talk to your professor/boss about something but don't know how to approach them. So you wait outside their cabin with fear.
Situation 2:
                         You see your crush sitting alone in a restaurant. You get a great chance to talk but somehow you wasted the opportunity.
                                            In both situations, you had the urge to talk but still blow it up because of your fear. But waitπŸ€”
  Is fear a reason you couldn't talk with strangers? 
                                           Even extroverts initially experience fear when you ask them to talk to an unknown person. But they are capable of overcoming it and that's why they are comfortable talking to others.
                                           Develop some habits to reduce your anxiety. If you feel comfortable with yourself then you can talk to others comfortably.
                                           If you are new here I welcome you. lads, to OutPush. If you don't know the purpose behind this blog, I recommend reading content About. So that you get a clear picture of what we are trying to do.

Improve your self-confidence:

 You get nervous about everything if you have low self-confidence. Self-confidence is the only way to improve your comfort while talking to people. With high confidence, you step out of your comfort zone and reduce fear.

      Power Poses: 

To instantly improve your self-confidence power poses can help you a lot. They mentally prepare you to be powerful and feel more confident.
                                             Here is an infographic on all power poses you can try.

Challenge your inner voice:

                                        Our mind controls us using inner voice to manage a better life. You can notice your inner voice during the decision-making moment. It helps you to take one decision if you are struggling.
                                        If someone forces you to take a decision during a short period. Most of us will choose what our inner voice says not because of trust but concerning urgency.
An important point to note...
                       Your inner voice depends on how your mindset is. If you are happy and feeling positive then you take an accurate decision. And that helps you to feel comfortable doing new things. But, if you are feeling insecure and full of negative thoughts then your decision also be in the same way.
                       Feel positive and do things that make you happy. Because that will reflect on your decision making and make you fearless to approach new people.

Make a good first impression:             

             Your appearance matters: 

                                              Dress up in the best way possible. Be stylish and feel confident. You need to spread positive ways around you to attract someone.


When you talk to someone new a positive smile will release all the stress and make you comfortable.

         Eye contact:

Eye contact improves concentration and establishes a connection between two people. You improve other's enthusiasm to talk to you if you make eye contact with them while talking.

Do hard things:     

If you don't want to feel awkward when talking to people then you need to practice a lot. There are many situations you can try like,
                              1. If you feel uncomfortable while talking to your friend and want to leave. Try to hold your anxiety and spend time with them more.
                              2. If you feel you are unlucky don't give up easily and work harder.



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