Being a Gentleman Guide
What makes everyone feel obsessed with David Beckham?
Maybe his good looking face and football skills too...
Same Question now for Barack Obama?
Because of his Leadership skills
Because of his Leadership skills
His acting skills.
How can someone hate an oscar-winner?
His acting skills.
How can someone hate an oscar-winner?
If you think you feel obsessed with them because of their popularity, looks, skills then you are wrong. They make themselves attractive with their gentleman approach.
Defining Gentleman?
Gentleman is a manner only real men use that makes others fall in love with them. If you want to be a gentleman you are at the right place. We present to you the various rules to be a gentleman.
Before that, If you are new here I welcome you. lads, to outpush. If you don't know about the purpose behind this blog, I recommend reading Our Goal content. So that you get a clear picture of what we are trying to do.
Gentleman is a manner only real men use that makes others fall in love with them. If you want to be a gentleman you are at the right place. We present to you the various rules to be a gentleman.
Before that, If you are new here I welcome you. lads, to outpush. If you don't know about the purpose behind this blog, I recommend reading Our Goal content. So that you get a clear picture of what we are trying to do.
Before that, If you are new here I welcome you. lads, to outpush. If you don't know about the purpose behind this blog, I recommend reading Our Goal content. So that you get a clear picture of what we are trying to do.
Guide to be the perfect man:
Gentleman has a Goal:
He has a goal that might be big, small but that doesn't matter gentleman always has a desire to do something meaningful in their life. He also put 100% percent effort into it.
A man without a goal is like a bird without wings
Gentleman has a Goal:
He has a goal that might be big, small but that doesn't matter gentleman always has a desire to do something meaningful in their life. He also put 100% percent effort into it.
A man without a goal is like a bird without wings

Have a goal and work towards it daily. You can even split into short-term and long-term goals to focus on.
Have a goal and work towards it daily. You can even split into short-term and long-term goals to focus on.
Gentleman knows about him very well:
Gentleman understands his full potential very well like his strength and weakness. He also knows how to react to any situation. He has full control over his emotions and never does things that make him uncomfortable.
Gentleman understands his full potential very well like his strength and weakness. He also knows how to react to any situation. He has full control over his emotions and never does things that make him uncomfortable.
Remember the situation when you are happy and what makes you feel sad. Make yourself feel comfortable. If you are not happy in doing any work, don't do it. If you want to do it for others (Boss) then try to convey what you are feeling to them or do it when you are very confident.
Gentleman has manners:
Remember the situation when you are happy and what makes you feel sad. Make yourself feel comfortable. If you are not happy in doing any work, don't do it. If you want to do it for others (Boss) then try to convey what you are feeling to them or do it when you are very confident.
Gentleman has manners:
Don't forget your manners in every situation especially with women. Gentleman is judged on how he behaves with a woman. You have to respect them, help them feel comfortable. Also, know the rules and what to do stuff when you meet a stranger to make a solid first impression.
Don't forget your manners in every situation especially with women. Gentleman is judged on how he behaves with a woman. You have to respect them, help them feel comfortable. Also, know the rules and what to do stuff when you meet a stranger to make a solid first impression.
Learn gentleman manners and practice it regularly. You always get judged by your manners especially when you are with women.
Grooming and clothes:
Grooming and clothes:
Gentleman's one big trait is making a great first impression. You can do that with clothes and grooming.
Success favors the well-groomed and dressed
Gentleman's one big trait is making a great first impression. You can do that with clothes and grooming.
Success favors the well-groomed and dressed
If you are meeting someone new try to present the best of you. Your dress, hairstyle and body language helps you to do that.
If you are meeting someone new try to present the best of you. Your dress, hairstyle and body language helps you to do that.
Loyalty to the lady:
Gentleman trusts his life partner, He always respects and gives importance to her decision. His main aim is to make her feel comfortable with him and he does it by being loyal to her.
Gentleman trusts his life partner, He always respects and gives importance to her decision. His main aim is to make her feel comfortable with him and he does it by being loyal to her.

Show your feelings towards your better half. Make her feel comfortable and happy because that's what real men do.
Show your feelings towards your better half. Make her feel comfortable and happy because that's what real men do.

No gossip:
A real man doesn't gossip they just accept what happens in their life. They are open-minded and that helps them have a learning attitude.
A real man doesn't gossip they just accept what happens in their life. They are open-minded and that helps them have a learning attitude.
Never say bad about someone to others. Be straightforward to everyone.
And here comes the important part...
Practice. Being a gentleman is not an easy thing to do you should have a good presence of mind and decision making skills too. Here are some amazing websites you can follow to learn about being a gentleman.
And many websites teach you how to be a gentleman. IF you want to be and act like a gentleman start practicing now before it's too late.
Practice. Being a gentleman is not an easy thing to do you should have a good presence of mind and decision making skills too. Here are some amazing websites you can follow to learn about being a gentleman.
And many websites teach you how to be a gentleman. IF you want to be and act like a gentleman start practicing now before it's too late.
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