How to boost your self confidence (part 2)

A glance at our previous post

                                                              It's delightful to see you, lads, again. OutPush welcomes you to part 2 of boosting self-confidence. If you didn't read the Part 1 self-confidence content we suggest you take a look at it. If you are new here and don't know about the purpose behind this blog, we recommend reading Our Goal to get a clear background of what we are trying to do.

                                                            From Part 1 of self-confidence boosting you learned what is self-esteem and how humans are categorized from it and also you promised to improve it. It's time to perform and train our inner voice to face problems we fear to challenge.

                                                           Human growth depends on two main things -

Physical growth


Mental growth


                                       We experience low self-esteem and a negative mindset if the above two are unbalanced or not taken care of. 

The Great Plan  

   For Physical Growth

       Act as a Friend/Mentor to your body

                                                                 A friend and mentor are the ones whom we feel comfortable with and spend most of our time. Spending quality time with them actually helps us a lot mentally like avoiding loneliness, being comfortable, etc.. But the illusion we suffer by spending quality time with them is we feel like we can do whatever to be with them, to make them happy by ignoring our physical capability. 

    OUT PUSH Idea✌:
  •  Take care of your physical appearance like care for others
  •  Show gratitude towards your body, take care of it as it was presented as a gift to you 

      Exercise during your free time

                                                                 We spend most of our time in a day lying stable, looking at the phone, eating junk foods or we work a lot that too in a hurry that causes the body to be unstable. Our body needs to relax and calm down and stretching is something that comes in handy.

    OUT PUSH Idea✌:   

  • Choose a specific free time (Early morning/Evening) depending on your schedule and do some warmups for 10-15 mins      

      Show gratitude towards yourself

                                                                 Showing gratitude towards others is considered a shy thing to do nowadays but to be successful we have to break this by displaying thankfulness to all and also to ourselves.

      OUT PUSH Idea✌:           
  •  Greet yourself for every good thing done
  •  Show your thankfulness when someone offers you help
  •  Live the moment and appreciate everything

     For Mental Growth                            

       Alone time

                                                                    It's good to be socialized, you have a chance to build your social network but keep in mind that always spending time with a group of people keeps you away from knowing yourself. Alone time lets you understand you completely even though you might suffer from loneliness during that time.

        OUT PUSH Idea✌:
  •  Spend around 5-15 mins in a quiet place alone
  •  Relax and try to do some basic meditation if possible 
  •  Analyzing solutions for a problem can be done at this time by rewinding what caused the   problem and how to avoid that

       Positive mindset

                                                                  Mindset matters a lot when undertaking a circumstance.

                                                                      You can encounter the same situation in both a positive and negative way. It's our mindset that we need to change to improve our self-confidence.
         OUT PUSH Idea✌:

  •  Dreamlike you achieving your goal and start working towards it
  •  Learn from your mistakes
  •  Help others if they feel down by some confident words
             I hope you lads learned how to boost your self-confidence. All these can be done by regularly practicing the idea we provided or if you triggered some idea apart from the mentioned one please feel free to share in COMMENTS and start building that habit.

                                                             See you, lads, on our next blog content. Stay tuned about our new blog content by following us and we let you know when our content is posted.

                                                            DO SOMETHING GREAT TODAY


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