4 ideas that help you handle criticism

It's delightful to see you, lads, again. In our previous post, we discussed, motivation and steps to avoid that. If you missed that content, here is the one motivation, practice regularly to motivate yourself and you will be on the right path to reach your goal. Now you gained motivation,

Can we reach our goal by only having motivation? 

Maybe, but there are other skills we need to practice like facing criticism, handling pressure situations, etc.., In this blog, we can discuss how to face criticism. If you are new here we welcome you, lads, to OutPush. For one who doesn't know about the purpose behind this blog, we recommend reading Our Goal content to get a clear background of what we are trying to do.

How do we feel when someone criticizes us?

                                              We all make mistakes in our life in some situation and when people like parents, mentors, friends, even strangers point it out we tend to be annoyed. 

But Why?

                                              Our mind automatically thinks like they are attempting to mock and take full control over us. To avoid that, mind triggers our emotions to react to them by shouting, getting angry, feeling depressed, etc., 

What should you do?

Power of calm mind: 

                                              Being calm really helps you analyze the situation. You might not know the reason behind the criticism, some might care for you and give you their ideas to overcome your mistake while some might intentionally mock you. So, analyze the situation and react according to that. 


                                              Problem gets even worse because of our reaction. So relax, take a deep breath and try to have the presence of mind in that situation.

 Take the positive out of it:

                                              If someone mocks you over your mistake, it means they are pointing your weakness so you have to thank them for doing half of your work in finding your weakness. Stop reacting to them and start empowering your weaknesses and not repeat the same mistake again. 


                                                People who criticize always point your weaknesses and that's a boon. You now know where you are making mistakes and can improvise that area so look after the positive side in every criticism you face.


Be kind to yourself:

                                               In some situations, your mistake might have caused others a big problem and that may be a reason for criticism but always remember that humans make errors too. Be kind to yourself and also help them to overcome the problem.

                                               Accept you have done the mistake and don't take criticism personally. Never demotivate yourself for the mistakes done and if someone suffers from your mistake help them overcome it.

Test your emotions:

                                               To reach the goal you have to face some situations(criticism) that will test your patience. To win that you have to be cool-minded and try not to show anger/depression so keep your mind to be cool in a crucial situation.

 OUT PUSH Idea✌:
                                              Train your mind to be calm in under pressure ( we can discuss it later in the next blog content)


                                                I hope you lads learned techniques to handle criticism. All these can be done by regularly practicing the idea we provided or if you triggered some idea apart from the mentioned one please feel free to share in COMMENTS and start building that habit.

                                             Not only criticism, but there are also many others like bad days you have to encounter to reach your goal we will discuss it on our next blog content. Stay tuned about our new blog content by following us and we let you know when our content is posted.

                                                             FEEL AMAZING TODAY


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