Overcome a bad day😞 by following these ideas
A glance at our previous post:
It's delightful to see you, lads, again. In our previous post, we discussed criticism and ideas on how to handle it. If you missed that content, here is the one 4 ideas that help you handle criticism, practice regularly and you will be on the right path to reach your goal. Before that, tell usHow do you react when you have a bad day?

What should you do?
Silence is the key:
In a situation, if nothing goes right just calm down and be silent don't show your emotions to anybody and don't lock it up within yourself. You can do that by analyzing what's the cause of the problem and not by thinking about the situation.

Emotions and reacting in a tough situation make the problem more serious. Be silent and analyze what happened. DON'T LET YOUR EMOTIONS CONTROL YOU
Remember there is NO PERFECT:
Even if you have done some mistakes don't worry about yourself, remember if you look to do every task perfectly with no mistake done then you can never reach your goal unless you work very very very hard.

Perfection is good but time-consuming and will let you in confusion during tough times. Try not to look for it by doing your best in every task.
Be Patient:
Okay, you messed up in a critical situation and everyone around you starts mocking. You feel uncomfortable and the emotional state you might experience at that stage is to give them the same feeling i.e REVENGE.
That's a great thing but WAIT,
Are you fully qualified to do that?
The answer is NO, before taking revenge you have to know why you messed up in that critical situation. There is a weakness within yourself and if you exploit that again then you are falling in the trap. So be patient and work on your weakness. Time will permit you to revenge on some other day.

Work on your weakness patiently. Wait for your time and then perfectly show your full potential to others.

Ask for Help if needed:
Not everyone hates you many cares for you too like your parents, friends, mentors, etc. Talk to them with your open heart. Express your inner feelings to them.

Spend time with people who really care about you. They help you get rid of uncomfortable feelings.
I hope you lads learned ideas to overcome a bad day. All these can be done by regularly practicing the idea we provided or if you triggered some idea apart from the mentioned one please feel free to share in COMMENTS and start building that habit.
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